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Best Free iPhone Applications 2015

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As one of the major vendors in the smartphone industry, Apple via the App Store is included as one of the largest providers of smartphone applications. Apple's Apps Store as the most popular applications store , accommodating a wide range of the best iPhone apps for Apple devices such as iPhone , iPad and iPod Touch. 

For users of the new iPhone may sometimes be confused to choose which best iPhone applications that should we put on our iPhone . Of the many iPhone applications , this time we summarize the information about the best iPhone apps and popular as well as making it easier for your free iPhone users to find out what are the best applications . Here we present the best free iPhone application is mandatory for your iPhone . 

Here's a list of the Best iPhone Apps in 2015 

1. BBM for iPhone 

BBM or Blackberry Messenger is the best iOS applications that you must install on the iPhone, because as we all know, that Indonesia is the world's largest fuel users as a means of online communication such as friends, relatives, co-workers seerta family. Installing the application of fuel in the iPhone, will make us closer they are using these applications in both the Android, Blackberry or iPhone. 

2. Photo Grid - College Maker 

The next best iPhone applications Photo Grid - College Maker for iPhone where you can combine multiple photos into a picture frame. Photo Grid - College Maker for iPhone can help you to combine multiple photos into a photo selfie you with a unique frame and an attractive arrangement. Process to combine images using this application is also very easy. You just choose the layout of the desired image, then select multiple photos to be combined and arranged in such a way to finish. Then you can use the photo edits in DP BBM or Facebook. 

3. Cinema 21 

Like watching a movie and do not want to miss the latest movie information and schedule at the cinema? Do not worry, just install the application Cinema 21 so that you can keep up to date with the schedule of films that are being and will be screened in cinemas Cinema 21. Wherever you are either in Jakarta, Bandung or even Tasikmalaya, you no longer miss the latest favorite movie schedule in your city. 

4. Train Indonesia Access 

The best iPhone application is specifically for those who travel frequently ride the train, through this application you can get a complete train schedule. In addition you also can order tickets directly from your iPhone. Forget queuing up for hours in front of the train at the station ticket counter, start using the application Kereta Api Indonesia Access official of KAI to book tickets with you wherever you go. 

5. MobilePDF Foxit Reader

Want to read PDF files on your iPhone or iPad? Just use the free iPhone application MobilePDF Foxit Reader can be downloaded from the App Store for free. Applications that will help you, open the PDF file directly from your iPhone, without the need to require a laptop. 

6. Private Calculator - File Hider and Secret Photo for iPhone 

Had a secret collection of personal photos and do not want to open others in the iPhone? Hide with an application called Private Calculator. This iPhone app is unique because at first glance like an application for the count. This application is a glimpse of a calculator application, but when we enter the passcode correctly, then this application can be used to store our personal photo collections and other important files. So, your friend will surely be fooled and think that this application is a regular calculator. 

7. Movie360 

You must have known applications 360 special camera for photo editing. What if you want to edit a video or film and get a good result? Use Movie 360 which will help transform video precious moments you perform better and charming, with a variety of interesting effects that can make us friends amazed. 

8. Vine

 Vine is a slider Twitter application that can be used to cut video duration of six seconds. This application is quite popular among users of smartphones, especially iPhones platform. 

9. WhatsApp Messenger 

WhatsApp Messenger still be excellent for users of iPhones this week. In recent weeks, the application is often perched on top caste as the best iPhone app version of iTunes for paid category, but you can use it for free for a year. This application is a media chat with includes a feature that is very unique. 

10. The Masters Golf Tournament 

The Masters Golf Tournament had infiltrated into one of the best iPhone apps this week. This application is a unique game that presents information and news about championship golf up to date on the various parts of the world. This game is perfect for those of you who enjoyed the sport of Golf. 

Such a review of the range of the Best iPhone Apps of 2015. You can directly visit to the App Store via iPhone or iTunes dikomputer to try the best iPhone apps above.

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