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You still remember the latest video ads from Apple entitled If it's not an iPhone, it's not an iPhone? last week Apple finally create a new page with the same advertising idea invite you to know the iPhone. 

Every iPhone we’ve made — and we mean every single one — was built on the same belief. That a phone should be more than a collection of features. That, above all, a phone should be absolutely simple, beautiful, and magical to use. 

Using the name Why there 's nothing quite like the iPhone, you can get a lot of explanations important and interesting things about the iPhone. Ranging from the design of hardware and exclusive software, camera quality, the App Store, free Malware, Maps, Touch ID and a variety of other things. 

Not only that, there are also new applications or features are highlighted on this page. Such payments with Apple Pay, Health app and a variety of settings as well as support Apple's Accessibility Support is widespread in the world. 

In the last sheet you can press the button Awesome, I want one to redirect to pages Apple Online Store in subsection iPhone. If you need more details about how to move to the iPhone, please press the button below.

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