Force Touch feature that will immediately stop at Apple Watch appeared to have a different way of working between the two devices. If Force Touch at Apple Watch will display a new window with additional control on the screen, it is not so with the implementation on the jumbo screen iPhone.
According to 9to5Mac sources, Force Touch features in iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus serves as an "action shortcut that will make the operation faster application by passing a list of menu options and must push the button.
“There is consistent usage of Force Touch across the operating system to ‘shortcut’ actions,” rather than present new options like with the Apple Watch, according to a source.
Such as when accessing Apple Maps. When you want to go to a destination, Force Touch will automatically show the direction of the road. While in the Music app, you can use Touch Force for displaying menus and add the song to a playlist or saved offline quickly.
Next is the Force Touch will feature a specific section when you use the Force Touch in an existing application on the homescreen. For example, when pressing the phone application, you will see an option to fit directly into the Voicemail tab.
Other interesting functions Force Touch is in Safari. With that feature, you can see a preview of the website when pressing a link like that Fource Touch in the MacBook. You can also see a preview of a contact or a map by using the Force Touch with deep pressure.
In addition Force Touch, the new generation iPhone will carry an increase in other hardware side, a wide A9 processor, 2GB RAM, 12MP camera, Touch ID is better and more.
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