Diverse rumors more and more popping up since news Apple will release iPhone 6s on 9 September 2015. This time it was from the iPad Mini 4, which reportedly will also be introduced in the event. @oneleaks Twitter account (via 9to5Mac) that often leaked rumors about the gadgets, recently distributed a video sketch design for the iPad Mini 4. The product looks very thin and claimed similar iPad Air 2.
For those of you who do not know,oneleaks account also previously leaked images of the back of the case which is claimed as the iPad Mini 4. Can you observe in the video above, no Mute Button to support its thinness. It is the same as that carried the iPad Air 2.
Talk about iPad Air 2, high-end products from the line iPad was first released in October 2014 ago. His ads were wowed by the title of iPad Air 2 Reveal illustrates surface is thinner than a pencil. Although thin, the specifications also qualified.
CPU from Apple A8X (3 core), 2 GB RAM, TouchID technology, the screen resolution of 2048 x 1536 and many more. Not surprisingly, while this new iPad 2 only water that has 3 features Multitasking in iOS beta 9 (Slide Over, Split View and Picture in Picture).
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