Today Apple officially released the update OS X El Capitan 10:11 Beta 3. The registered developers can immediately download this update via the Apple Developer account or the Mac App Store.
What are the new times in OS X El Capitan with code 15A216g build this? Not much but enough important is Two-Factor Authentication feature a new and improved in the Photos app.
What’s new in OS X El Capitan beta 3 :
- Two-Factor Authentication – iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 El Capitan include an entirely revamped two-factor authentication system.
- Photos app – As in iOS 9 beta 3, there are new albums for selfies and screenshots in the Photos app in El Capitan beta 3.
For those of you who know about account security system in Apple, 2-step authentication is not a new name. But Apple finally transform this system to be a little different in OS X El Capitan and the latest IOS 9 Beta. Here is an example of the use of the information I get from the Apple Developer page.
Users who already have security enabled and want to log in the new device Apple ID must enter two passwords. Apple ID password the first and second verification code (6 digits) sent by Apple for iOS devices 9 or OS X El Capitan that you already registered earlier. If you do not have it, the code will be sent via SMS or phone calls to your phone number. Noticeably easier not, without too much trouble to open the email again.
Still on the same page, this feature is not yet available reportedly thoroughly to all members of the Apple Developer. For users who elect to get access to prime, please not the application System Preferences > iCloud > Account Details > Security on your Mac to set it up.
Go to the Photos app, users can now obtain a more orderly arrangement in the form of two new folders selfies and screenshots obtained from iOS devices 9. This section will keep take photos using the front camera and the results of screenshots from the iOS device screen.
The last record was present at Mission Control feature that allows the user to move the application back into a new window. As well as the Calendar app displays the initial window contains a list of new features.
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